Archive 17/01/2023.

Etna character engineering


Hi folks.
This is my trying to animate my model.
with some experimental things like: hair-ragdolls as target for bones. these bones actually not animated and fully doing copy positions of realtime calculated hair-ragdolls.

I’m think that this ragdolls-hair system or anything similar for some parts of the character with ragdolls driven are also may be created in Urho engine.




??? ???.
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ? ??? … ???.

??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???.
??? ? ??? ??? (?? ??? ???) ? ??? ??? ???.


Cute model.
I think that it is necessary to modify the weights of the vertices in the field … the skirt.

I remember the first game about Lara Croft.
There, hair (in my opinion) are calculated in real time.[/spoiler]



Yes, there are some problems but I did not understand yet how to paint weights skirt and legs so it looks normal, and you did such a thing ?

Lara too easy pigtail )
My ragdoll initial nodes severely limits so as not to seem much air.

?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?? ? ??? ? ?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???, ? ?? ??? ??? ?
? ??? ??? ??? ??? )
? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???, ??? ?? ??? ??? ???.


I think the problem is that the vertexes of the central part of the skirt
rigidly attached to the central bone.
It is necessary to distribute the weight of the vertexes between the central bone and leg bones.

Search tutorial by phrase “Blender Weight Paint

[spoiler]? ??? ??? ??? ? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? ??? ? ??? ???.
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ? ??? ???.

??? ??? ?? ??? “Blender Weight Paint”[/spoiler]

[spoiler]??? ??? ? ??? ???:
?? ??? ??? ? ???.
??? ??? ??? ? ??? ? Pose mode,
??? ??? ??? ??? ? ??? ? Weight Paint .
??? ??? ??? ? ??? ??? ?? ???.
? ??? Weight Paint ??? ??? ??? ???, ??? ??? ?? ???.
??? ?? ??? ??? ?? ???, ??? ??? ??? ???.
??? ??? ??? ??? ???.

??? ?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???.
??? ??? ??? ?? ??? ??? ??? 4 ? ???
??? ?? ??? ???. (?? ??? ??? ??? ? Ogre3D)[/spoiler]


Thanks, I’ll try to repaint the skirt without a central bone (hip) and see what happens.
Also may have need to lengthen the skirt for this )


For understanding.
What problem I see in your video.


some test with shaders

LitSolidCookTorrance.glsl source: