I plan to continue working on the engine in my fork, so I sent invitations to the organization to cadaver and weitjong to restore their owner roles. Perhaps they will continue to work on the engine, perhaps they will choose one of you as new leaders. If they don’t care, as it has been so far, then I will make the Urho3D repository archived.
Archive 17/01/2023.
End of Revolution


It will be funny if no one from the “community” is going to do anything for the engine. And you whined only because I did not follow “community” orders, but did what I myself consider necessary.

I declined the invite. What has been done has been done, and I’ve been away from active Urho3D dev for many years in any case. Wei Tjong is of course free to do like he wants.

Okay, I can’t throw my favorite slackers at the derivative of fate. Since I didn’t specify a specific timeline, the repository will be archived someday. Don’t say anymore that I didn’t offer.
