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Empty title 004

Looks like you’d have to write a custom function. Hold on… this doesn’t work since resize calls the SharedPtr
destructor and GetViewport()
returns a raw pointer not a smart pointer… hmm. Unless, does the intrusive reference counting keep it alive?
void RemoveViewportCustom(unsigned index)
Renderer* ren{GetSubsystem<Renderer>()};
unsigned num_viewports{ren->GetNumViewports()};
if (index >= num_viewports || num_viewports == 0)
// swap the viewport to remove with the last viewport
if (num_viewports > 1 && index + 1 != num_viewports)
ren->SetViewport(index, ren->GetViewport(num_viewports - 1));
// resize the view port count to get rid of last element
ren->SetNumViewports(num_viewports - 1);

Viewports are managed by the Renderer by keeping a list of shared pointers which point to the viewports including yours.
To remove a viewport you need to get the shared pointer reference count to 0.
- change the viewport count using renderer->SetViewportNum()
- set a different viewport using renderer->SetViewport() in the same index
- set the shared ptr you are using to null
Once you do this the viewport will be removed provided you are not using it somewhere else.
Personally I encountered this while in Lua whereby setting the viewports would destroy them as shared pointers do not translate to Lua well. Everytime I would call SetViewport for sorting my viewports dynamically, it would destroy my viewport causing a seg fault when I try to set it to a different index. Same goes for setting another viewport in the index your viewport is set to.