When I want to change node’s properties, the Attribute Inspector always show “Selete editable objects”.
Someone has encountered this problem?
Editor not work normally

Are you on Os X? (20 char filler)

Ensure that Attribute Inspector isn’t locked (button before close button)

Yes, I run editor on my Macbook.

Thank very much, It works.

There’s a long-running bug on 1.7 and Os X editor. https://github.com/urho3d/Urho3D/issues/2178
I use 1.6 version when I need it (rarely)

As Eugene said, unlocking the Attribute Inspector make it works, but I must always check the lock state, it is annoying.

Well well. Both me and @weitjong thought it was an editor bug. So it looks like it’s a bug, but a different one: do not set this creepy thing (attribute inspector locking) on by default.
Is the feature documented somewhere?
I’ll modify the issue to reflect this.

I’ve never faced auto-locking Inspector (on Win 8 tho)
Actually, never used this feature.
Are you sure it’s turning on automatically?

I just run the editor after a native source build on Os X. Yes is on.