I like to describe certain information per character model.
The editor hates this being in the resource path, but the editor hates linux either way.
Am I doing it wrong?
Player and NonPlayer Animation Descriptors align with hardcoded semantic enumerations
which is to say, their index has a meaning for the character
<Descriptor Name="Models/Derrick/zombie idle.ani" Looping="true" LayerID="0"/>
<Descriptor Name="Models/Derrick/zombie walk.ani" Looping="true" LayerID="0"/>
<Descriptor Name="Models/Derrick/zombie run.ani" Looping="true" LayerID="0"/>
<Descriptor Name="Models/Derrick/zombie crawl.ani" Looping="true" LayerID="0"/>
<Descriptor Name="Models/Derrick/zombie running crawl.ani" Looping="true" LayerID="0"/>
<Descriptor Name="Models/Derrick/zombie attack.ani" Looping="false" LayerID="0"/>
<Descriptor Name="Models/Derrick/zombie biting.ani" Looping="false" LayerID="0"/>
<Descriptor Name="Models/Derrick/zombie scream.ani" Looping="false" LayerID="0"/>
<Descriptor Name="Models/Derrick/zombie dying.ani" Looping="false" LayerID="0"/>
<Descriptor Name="Models/Derrick/zombie death.ani" Looping="false" LayerID="0"/>
The following bone descriptors are required to locate bones for foot ik
<Bone Name="Left Foot" Value="LeftFoot" />
<Bone Name="Right Foot" Value="RightFoot" />
<Bone Name="Pelvis" Value="Hips" />
Ragdoll Bodyparts are defined with respect to the character bindpose
<BodyPart Name="Hips" Shape="Box" Size=".3,.15,.2" Position="0,0.05,0" Orientation="0,0,0" />
<BodyPart Name="Spine1" Shape="Box" Size=".35,.35,.25" Position="0,0.1,0" Orientation="0,0,0" />
<BodyPart Name="Head" Shape="Capsule" Size=".25,.35,0" Position="0,0.125,0" Orientation="0,0,0" />
Ragdoll Joint Constraints
<Joint Name="Neck" BodyPart="Head" ParentPart="Spine1" Type="ConeTwist" Axis="-1,-0,0" ParentAxis="-1,0,0" HighLimit="0,30,0" LowLimit="0,0,0" />