Hello !
I’m looking for a way to turn an individual node’s replication off based on a connection-Id check f.e. w/ a callback func. or the nodes variables. Reading the Networking docs it seems Node already has an ‘owner connection’ which might be used for this.
More specifically: While replicating a scene from a headless server to each client, i’d like to have dedicated Nodes replicated only per connection to keep data secret to the connection. Each client’s scene will have one copy of his ‘private’ node replicated.
I can implement this currently via Network-Messages by sending data to the respective connection and setting it on a clients local Node to read, but that would defy the whole point of scene replication and wouldn’t take advantage of vars, attributes and components.
Is there an elegant way to do this w/ the existing API, a network-addon or a simple path forward modifying the Engines replication code ?