I’m trying to develop a shader (glsl) for Chroma Key (green screen) video player on a Urho3D Texture2D. Could you please give some advice about or a example inside Urho3D GitHub samples?
Roberto Avanzi
Chroma Key Video Shader

Hello Roberto, and welcome to the forum!
There have been a few informative threads on video streaming:
Perhaps 10_RenderToTexture is not a bad sample to study? most are similar.

Hello Justine,
yes, I’m started from RenderToTexture example for our video player implementation, thank you very much for your suggest. At this time, I’ve got a chromaKey shader, starting from LitSolid.glsl prefab shader and introducing the green screen removing logic.
But my iOS app is frequently killed from a CPU Usage watchdog…
I’ve following advices from this topic https://github.com/urho3d/Urho3D/issues/578 without success.
I would like to ask another question: it is possible that at each InvokeOnMain or InvokeOnMainAsync called outside the onUpdate callback a new rendering thread is started?

CPU: Engine::SetMaxFps() or similar is suggested in that issues thread, but I guess you have tried?
Someone must be more familiar with InvokeOnMain() than I.