I have this situation in my code where I’ve subclassed UIElement and am maintaining a child UIElement that gets loaded from XML (a pattern I learned from Qt now that I think about it).
What I’d like to be able to write is this:
[code]void MenuScreen::ReloadUI()
ResourceCache* cache = GetSubsystem();
ui_ = LoadChildXML(
SharedPtr<XMLFile> xml_;
SharedPtr<UIElement> ui_;
Except that I can’t, because LoadChildXML() returns a bool and not a pointer to the child that was created. There seems to be no easy way to fish out the created child afterwards, because I can’t rely on the name nor can I rely on ui_ being the only child of MenuScreen.
I propose the function be changed to return the child pointer. No functionality is lost, since you can still check if creation failed by comparing to NULL:
[code]UIElement* UIElement::LoadChildXML(const XMLElement& childElem, XMLFile* styleFile, bool setInstanceDefault)
bool internalElem = childElem.GetBool(“internal”);
if (internalElem)
URHO3D_LOGERROR(“Loading internal child element is not supported”);
return NULL;
String typeName = childElem.GetAttribute("type");
if (typeName.Empty())
typeName = "UIElement";
unsigned index = childElem.HasAttribute("index") ? childElem.GetUInt("index") : M_MAX_UNSIGNED;
UIElement* child = CreateChild(typeName, String::EMPTY, index);
if (child)
if (!styleFile)
styleFile = GetDefaultStyle();
if (!child->LoadXML(childElem, styleFile, setInstanceDefault))
return NULL;
return child;
This would require changes to the angelscript bindings:
[code]static UIElement* UIElementLoadChildXML(XMLFile* file, XMLFile* styleFile, UIElement* ptr)
if (file == NULL)
return NULL;
XMLElement rootElem = file->GetRoot("element");
if (rootElem)
return ptr->LoadChildXML(rootElem, styleFile);
engine->RegisterObjectMethod(className, "UIElement@+ LoadChildXML(const XMLElement&in, XMLFile@+ arg1 = null, bool arg2 = false)", asMETHOD(T, LoadChildXML), asCALL_THISCALL);
engine->RegisterObjectMethod(className, "UIElement@+ LoadChildXML(XMLFile@+, XMLFile@+ arg1 = null)", asFUNCTION(UIElementLoadChildXML), asCALL_CDECL_OBJLAST);
As well as in the editor script EditorUIElement.as:319
I can make a PR if you want.