Hi ! I thought i share my current work and share the headaches i went through to have a good looking texture.First of all i had to find wooden ornate textures , which was pretty hard in first place.
If the texture isn’t too small then it was shot from a wrong angle which makes it useless.Once i found the textures that meet the criteria then i had to adjust contrast , color , brightness and buch of other factors to make all the different textures match and look the same…The next thing i will buy is a pro camera , make some photos of an old desk and after a few minutes of editing it is ready to use.This is the main problem that slows down my project.Searching for textures and editing them to fit in the game is an extremely slow process
Carved desk modelling

I’ve always wondered what the best process is for finding and creating textures as an independent artist. If you’re on a team you may be lucky enough to have someone who does this full time, but if not it can seem like a messy and time consuming thing
The desk looks fantastic by the way!

That is one seriously sweet desk. Is it a random asset, or so you have plans for it?
I could totally picture this at the office of a haunted factory
I don’t know much about modeling, but I dabble every once in a while. Good to know I’m not the only one with trouble finding textures.
How do you guys know which ones are ok to use? License-wise, I mean.

Thanks ! Yes , i’m planning to use it in my game i’m working on.
Well , thats really a good question.I usually download textures from cgtextures , mayang’s ,texturelib and other sites that are guaranteed to be free and no license required.CGTextures is currently the best , and bigest texture site i know with the most permissive license so far.All these textures have good and bad sides.Well one of the good sides is apparently that the textures are free.The bad thing is you must edit them a lot for use them in games (seamless , contrast , saturation , etc)