Hello, I followed the getting started guide, unzipped the github master, created the project with cmake, launched the solution in Visual Studio and compiled the samples.
All samples work, but now I want to create my own project outside of the Urho3d folder.
I created a new project, added the orho3D include folder to my include folder list, and added the urho3d.lib to my project.
But when I compile, i get the folloing error (and many others…)
LNK2019 unresolved external symbol "public: __thiscall Urho3D::StringHash::StringHash(char const *)" (??0StringHash@Urho3D@@QAE@PBD@Z) referenced in function "void __cdecl Urho3D::DragDropFinish::dynamic initializer for 'P_ACCEPT''(void)" (??__EP_ACCEPT@DragDropFinish@Urho3D@@YAXXZ)
StringHash is defined in StringHash.cpp, but must I add all cpp files to my project ?
Sorry for the newbie question, I used several sdk in the past but here I don’t understand.