Hi whenever try to build the navmesh i get a “Could not build navigation mesh tile data”. i tried with simple and complex meshes the result is always the same. Here’s how i try to do it :
i have a segment node all nodes in the scene are children of this node. Some of these nodes have a StaticMesh Navigable and RigidBody component.
after i created these nodes and components , i create a nvamesh in the segment node (padding = 0,10,0 tileSize = 64) the result is always the same.
i keep getting the “Could not build navigation mesh tile data” message multiple times during the build process. The smaller the tileSize parameter is , the more frequent the error mesage is and vice versa
if i set tile size to very large value (larger than the mesh’s bounding box) the error is gone but i’m not sure it’s the right way to make the error go away
i’m using a very simple mesh that covers the walkable areas of the scene , basically it is a flat triangle mesh :
But the same error happens if i try to use complex level geometry as navmesh.
Is there a tutorial what the navMesh parameters do and how to set up ?
Also will the DetourCrowd system work with simple NavigationMesh or it requires a DynamicNavigationMesh ?