Hey guys!
I’m using Linux and a text editor for my C++ developments…
I’m somewhat new to C++ in general but I have been studying C++14 and am considering just skipping straight to C++17.
Here’s what I want to do:
I want to keep Urho3D 1.7 just the way it is and not change a thing.
I want to create my own “from scratch” .cpp files in my own folder.
Then when I compile; I want to compile Urho3D 1.7 but have the compiler also compile “my” c++ code.
My C++ code would basically be accessing and using Urho3D 1.7 but 100% from my own .cpp files and I want to use Urho3D in this way but the end result would basically be a c++ scripting instead of using lua or angelscript.
My biggest thing is that I want to use c++14 or c++17 in my own files if at all possible.
** If I can’t then my fall back would be to use Lua but I prefer to go c++
I hope this makes sense what I’m asking…