I saw the “SetViewMask()” function for Drawables, as a way of filtering out content from a Camera.
Note that we have multiple cameras in the scene, rendering to multiple Viewports… and we have this concept of “Layer Visibility” and each layer can have 1000’s of renderables.
So in short, we want an efficient way to manage Visibility per Camera, other than having each camera sift through 1000’s of renderables that it’s not going to render.
It would be much nicer to have this “ViewMask” set at the Node level, that way the Camera Culling Logic would be extremely efficient – it would see the Node’s Mask - and then not bother sifting through the content of this Node, if the mask doesn’t match. Now we’ve just got one comparison to make, per Layer, rather than 1000’s!..
Any ideas on how to make this more efficient for Urho to manage?