Atari VCS announcement

Is this thing serious?

What would be the criteria of serious?

Well basically they sold everything off…
What a shame, didn’t know that… would’ve surely bought pong or battlezone for my private library…

Apparently the VCS is part of their turnaround strategy as indeed they seem to have lost some limbs.
But that could also mean they refused to P2W/pre-release-DLC/paywall their own franchises. Also I’m surprised anyone wanted to pay for all those 90s game titles. I mean how do you value…
…40 Winks, Bubble Ghost, Chamber of the Sci-Mutant Priestess, Death Gate, Drakkhen, Eternam, Glover, Monty Mole, Hostage: Rescue Mission, Marco Polo and Time Gate: Knight’s Chase…

When I read that I thought it could be interesting to have the engine ready for that platform. But looks nothing less than a Linux in a x86_64… So in theory already is.
But contacting them, and ensuring the fact… And maybe get a post from them including urho3d as a supported engine… could it be an interesting boost for us?