I need one for outdoor weather effect and I’m sure someones made one already so I thought it would be counter intuitive to try and make another myself.
I need one for outdoor weather effect and I’m sure someones made one already so I thought it would be counter intuitive to try and make another myself.
You can try these (I wouldn’t call them great, but if you just want passable they probably meet that standard):
<material name="Materials/Particle.xml" />
<numparticles value="1000" />
<updateinvisible enable="false" />
<relative enable="true" />
<scaled enable="true" />
<sorted enable="false" />
<fixedscreensize enable="false" />
<animlodbias value="0" />
<emittertype value="Sphere" />
<emittersize value="30 0 30" />
<direction min="0.1 -1 0.1" max="0.1 0 0.1" />
<constantforce value="0 -1 0" />
<dampingforce value="1" />
<activetime value="0" />
<inactivetime value="0" />
<emissionrate min="20" max="50" />
<!--light snow: min 10 max 25; decent snow: emissionrate min="20" max="35" /-->
<particlesize min="0.1 0.1" max="0.1 0.1" />
<timetolive min="10" max="10" />
<velocity min="1" max="1" />
<rotation min="0" max="0" />
<rotationspeed min="0" max="0" />
<sizedelta add="0" mul="1" />
<faceCameraMode value="Rotate XYZ" />
<color value="1 1 1 1" />
<material name="Materials/Particle.xml" />
<numparticles value="1000" />
<updateinvisible enable="false" />
<relative enable="true" />
<scaled enable="true" />
<sorted enable="false" />
<fixedscreensize enable="false" />
<animlodbias value="0" />
<emittertype value="Box" />
<emittersize value="30 0 30" />
<direction min="0.02 -1 0.02" max="0.02 0 0.02" />
<constantforce value="0 -10 0" />
<dampingforce value="1" />
<activetime value="0" />
<inactivetime value="0" />
<!-- <emissionrate min="25" max="10" /> -->
<emissionrate min="50" max="200" />
<particlesize min="0.02 0.05" max="0.04 0.1" />
<timetolive min="5" max="5" />
<velocity min="1" max="1" />
<rotation min="0" max="0" />
<rotationspeed min="0" max="0" />
<sizedelta add="0" mul="1" />
<faceCameraMode value="Rotate XYZ" />
<color value="0.5 0.7 1 1" />
<material name="Materials/Particle.xml" />
<numparticles value="1000" />
<updateinvisible enable="false" />
<relative enable="true" />
<scaled enable="true" />
<sorted enable="false" />
<fixedscreensize enable="false" />
<animlodbias value="0" />
<emittertype value="Box" />
<emittersize value="30 0 30" />
<direction min="0.02 -1 0.02" max="0.02 -0.4 0.2" />
<constantforce value="0 -15 0" />
<dampingforce value="1" />
<activetime value="0" />
<inactivetime value="0" />
<emissionrate min="100" max="200" />
<particlesize min="0.02 0.15" max="0.04 0.5" />
<timetolive min="5" max="5" />
<velocity min="1" max="1" />
<rotation min="0" max="0" />
<rotationspeed min="0" max="0" />
<sizedelta add="0" mul="1" />
<faceCameraMode value="Rotate Y" />
<color value="0.4 0.6 0.8 1" />
Thanks at least this provides me basic ground work.
A rain particle effect (with ‘wind’) using a DDS texture, maybe best used as camera attachment.
texture sample - tiled
particleeffect, with slight random ‘wind’ direction
<material name="Materials/rain.xml" />
<numparticles value="4000" />
<updateinvisible enable="false" />
<relative enable="false" />
<scaled enable="false" />
<sorted enable="false" />
<animlodbias value="0" />
<emittertype value="Box" />
<emittersize value="50 0 50" />
<direction min="-0.01 -1 -0.01" max="0.01 -1 0.01" />
<constantforce value="0 0 0" />
<dampingforce value="0" />
<activetime value="0" />
<inactivetime value="0" />
<emissionrate min="4000" max="4000" />
<particlesize min="0.25 1" max="0.25 1" />
<timetolive min="1" max="1" />
<velocity min="32" max="32" />
<rotation min="0" max="0" />
<rotationspeed min="0" max="0" />
<faceCameraMode value="Direction" />
<technique name="Techniques/DiffAddAlpha.xml" />
<texture unit="diffuse" name="Textures/rain.dds" />
DDS texture:
Texture source file (GIMP XCF with layer mask)
Try this :
Thanks guys looks great.