So i trying to figure out how to blend 2 animations without making transition to the base frame (the AnimatedModel’s default frame at export usually a T pose)
So whenever i try to play another animation , Urho starts blending the current animation into the Model’s base frame and then into the new animation…
Lets say the character is playing the walk animation , if i start playing the run animation it will first start blending into the base frame T pose , the slightly goes into the run animation.Causing annoying twitching
Normally this doesn’t happening with fadeTime = 0.0f , but then there’s no animation blending either.
controller->PlayExclusive("walk.ani" , 0 , 0.2f);
controller->PlayExclusive("run.ani" , 0 , 0.2f);
this will create a dumb transition to the T pose then plays the run animation.
So the question is : Is there any way to blend the new animation from the CURRENT frame ? The frame that was used exacly before the new animation was started ?