In the engine is it possible to animate an AnimatedModel without having a skeleton attached? I have no need to modify these animations in the engine, just play them back.
For example, if I wanted an artist to create an animation for an ‘exploded view’ of a machine, what is the best way for them to create that animation and import it into Urho3D? I know that they can create a root node for the model and then create a child bone for every machine component in the machine (with 100% vertex weights), but a skeletal animation seems like the wrong tool for this.
In Blender I can create a scene with a few objects, transform them, and give them keyframes for the animation, all with no bones and not morphing the shapes. When I export these animations into mdl and ani files, the animation contains the keyframes but can’t be played back because my objects have no bones to assign as the root bone of the animation. Animations in the blend file can be played in Unity, so does Unity basically create a one bone per object automatically on blend file import, or is the animation played another way?