Hi, all!
could anybody help me make this work?
Currently it doesn’t work at all (produce zero effect on bones).
No visual difference, feet still penetrate terrain.
Any ideas on what I miss? any alternative solutions?
// Used article:
// http://discourse.urho3d.io/t/solved-ik-foot-placement/1010/1
class LegIK {
Node@ root_bone, left_foot, right_foot;
Vector3 leg_axis;
Node@ char_node;
float left_leg_length, right_leg_length,
Scene@ scene;
float uneven_threshold = 0.05;
bool do_ik = false;
void solve_ik(Node@ effector, Vector3 target_pos)
Vector3 start_joint_pos = effector.parent.parent.worldPosition; // thigh pos (hip joint)
Vector3 mid_joint_pos = effector.parent.worldPosition; // Calf pos (knee joint)
Vector3 effector_pos = effector.worldPosition; // Foot pos (ankle joint)
Vector3 thigh_dir = mid_joint_pos - start_joint_pos; // thigh direction
Vector3 calf_dir = effector_pos - mid_joint_pos; // calf direction
Vector3 target_dir = target_pos - start_joint_pos; // leg direction
float length1 = thigh_dir.length;
float length2 = calf_dir.length;
float limb_length = length1 + length2;
float lengthH = target_dir.length;
if (lengthH > limb_length) {
target_dir = target_dir * (limb_length / lengthH) * 0.999; // Do not overshoot if target unreachable
lengthH = target_dir.length;
float lengthHsquared = target_dir.lengthSquared;
// current knee angle (from animation keyframe)
float knee_angle = thigh_dir.Angle(calf_dir);
// new knee angle
float cos_theta = (lengthHsquared - thigh_dir.lengthSquared - calf_dir.lengthSquared) / (2 * length1 * length2);
if (cos_theta > 1.0)
cos_theta = 1.0;
else if (cos_theta < -1.0)
cos_theta = -1.0;
float theta = Acos(cos_theta);
if (Abs(theta - knee_angle) > 0.01) {
Quaternion new_knee_angle((theta - knee_angle), leg_axis);
Quaternion new_hip_angle(-(theta - knee_angle) * 0.5, leg_axis);
// Apply rotations
effector.parent.rotation = effector.parent.rotation * new_knee_angle;
effector.parent.parent.rotation = effector.parent.parent.rotation * new_hip_angle;
void solve_leg_ik()
AnimationController@ anim = char_node.GetComponent("AnimationController");
if (!anim.IsPlaying("Models/girl/Models/Run.ani")) {
root_bone.worldPosition = Vector3(root_bone.worldPosition.x, char_node.position.y + original_root_height, root_bone.worldPosition.z);
float root_height = root_bone.worldPosition.y - char_node.position.y;
float foot_height_l = left_foot.worldPosition.y - char_node.position.y;
float foot_height_r = right_foot.worldPosition.y - char_node.position.y;
Vector3 left_ground(left_foot.worldPosition), right_ground(left_foot.worldPosition);
bool left_down = false, right_down = false;
if (left_ground.y < right_ground.y - uneven_threshold)
left_down = true;
else if (right_ground.y < left_ground.y - uneven_threshold)
right_down = true;
PhysicsRaycastResult result = scene.physicsWorld.RaycastSingle(Ray(left_ground + Vector3(0, left_leg_length, 0), Vector3(0, -1, 0)), 10, 2);
left_ground = result.position;
// Distance from foot to ground
float left_dist = left_foot.worldPosition.y - (left_ground.y + foot_height_l);
Vector3 left_normal = result.normal;
result = scene.physicsWorld.RaycastSingle(Ray(right_ground + Vector3(0, right_leg_length, 0), Vector3(0, -1, 0)), 10, 2);
right_ground = result.position;
// Distance from foot to ground
float right_dist = left_foot.worldPosition.y - (left_ground.y + foot_height_l);
Vector3 right_normal = result.normal;
float height_diff = 0.0f;
if (left_down || left_ground.y <= right_ground.y) {
height_diff = left_dist;
if (Abs(height_diff) > 0.001)
right_ground = right_ground + Vector3(0.0, height_diff, 0.0);
} else if (right_down || right_ground.y < left_ground.y) {
height_diff = right_dist;
if (Abs(height_diff) > 0.001)
left_ground = left_ground + Vector3(0.0, height_diff, 0.0);
if (Abs(height_diff) < 0.001)
root_bone.worldPosition = root_bone.worldPosition - Vector3(0.0, height_diff, 0.0);
if (!left_down) {
left_ground.x = 0.0;
left_ground.z = 0.0;
solve_ik(left_foot, left_ground);
if (!right_down)
right_ground.x = 0.0;
right_ground.z = 0.0;
solve_ik(right_foot, right_ground);
void handle_scene_drawable_update_finished(StringHash eventType, VariantMap& eventData)
if (do_ik)
LegIK(Node@ char_node, Scene@ scene)
left_foot = char_node.GetChild("foot.L", true);
right_foot = char_node.GetChild("foot.L", true);
leg_axis = Vector3(0, 0, -1);
AnimatedModel@ model = char_node.GetComponent("AnimatedModel");
Skeleton@ skel = model.skeleton;
// Get root bone of the skeleton as we will move it to match IK targets
root_bone = char_node.GetChild(skel.rootBone.name, true);
// left thigh length + left calf length
left_leg_length = skel.GetBone(left_foot.parent.parent.name).boundingBox.size.y + skel.GetBone(left_foot.parent.name).boundingBox.size.y;
right_leg_length = skel.GetBone(right_foot.parent.parent.name).boundingBox.size.y + skel.GetBone(right_foot.parent.name).boundingBox.size.y;
// Used when no animation is playing
original_root_height = root_bone.worldPosition.y - char_node.position.y;
this.char_node = char_node;
this.scene = scene;
SubscribeToEvent("SceneDrawableUpdateFinished", "handle_scene_drawable_update_finished");