In the example files, for AnimatingScene and SkeletalAnimation, there is an example for how to attach a class as a component. (as listed in the “Instantiating a script object”, of this page:
It works fine, if the class is available to the global “scriptFile” and inside the same .as file that it is being called from.
but if I want to use an external file, I have tried to use this syntax:
Node@ graphNode = _scene.CreateChild("CustomGeometry");
Graph@ graph = cast<Graph>(graphNode.CreateScriptObject(cache.GetResource("ScriptFile","Scripts/lab/"), "Graph"));
If I un-comment out the last line there, SetParameters() then the very next line throws an error “Exception ‘Null pointer access’’” (the two commented lines are just two version I am working with, one that has default values, and ones that I give it values, neither of which want to work anyway).
Am I missing something basic? It will compile with out the SetParameters function call, but then where will i set parameters? It doesnt seem to be listed in the limitations part of the aforementioned scripting page.
Thank you for your help.