Hi ! After a hard work on horror style baked lightmapping i came to a conclusion that it is absolutely hard or impossible to match dynamic lights and static baked lights in a scene. In some cases works but in 90% of the situations standard lights (spot , point and directional) can’t reproduce the dark ambience of a horror game level.The best way of lightmapping a dark horror level is using baked GI + AO + Object lights.(cylinder , plane shapes) and use dynamic lights only on dynamic objects.The dynamic shadows should be faked by either a projected blob or some sort of stencil shadows.(For references see Resient Evil outbreak levels)
1.Blob shadows. Unity has a component called Projector which projects a texture on a level (There are tons of tutorials how to set up blob shadows for characters)
2., Use shadow casting lights. As i already mentioned in an another topic there should be a way of using lights for just cast subtractive shadows. In theory (maybe i’m totally wrong) it could be implemented as screen space shadows.
What you (Urho3d devs) think about this ? Is it doable ? i would be happy with solution 1 but i’m really interested in your opinion on the 2nd solution.? Any idea suggestion/help is welcome.