Hello ! Can you please help. I need to use doboz compressor from under the scripts Urho. Could you please help me integrate the library doboz in Urho. Thank.
Archive 17/01/2023.
Add new library to urho3d


You have to read the documentation for CMake, Angelscript, ToLua++ and use the existing CMake scripts and Angelscript/Lua bindings as a guide to follow. Not all libraries are as trivial to add.
- Place your sources into a folder in the
directory- ie.
- ie.
- Add a
to that folder, see the CMakeLists.txt in ThirdParty/PugiXml for a trivial one (doboz appears to just be a splat-lib) - Add a CMake option into the main CMake scripts
- they’re mostly found in
- they’re mostly found in
- If your option is active then include the CMakeLists for your Doboz directory into the build
- If you set up your Doboz cmakelists appropriately then a Doboz static-lib will be added and properly linked
- Bind to script
- done differently for Angelscript / Lua
- You have to read the docs for each (Angelscript/ToLua++) to decide how you want to bind (or even can bind), for a compression/decompression lib like Doboz you’ll have to go through VectorBuffer.
Note: if you just need compression/decompression LZ4 is already bound to script (at least in Angelscript it is). VectorBuffer CompressVectorBuffer(VectorBuffer&in)
so you have to really want to use Doboz for some reason to bother with adding it as a dependency.

Oh. Thank! I Think no replies. Urho 1.7 support this compression ?
Reason its I write program to unpack Chaos Rings 3 arhive on my android table. (Using Urho3d I can code on android directly and test, its nice!)