Urho3d particles are some simple / standard, you can use the particle editor in the Urho3d level editor and try to make some liquid - style particles.
But if you want “real liquid style particles” you need some kind of fake physics and have to extend the particleemitter for yourself.
The particlemitter (“source/urho3d/graphics/ParticleEmitter”) is easy to understand and to extend.
In my project i’ve written a small “multithreaded node emitter” for myself. It can spawn nodes with nearly any in it and can use pointcloud Models (vtk / csv) for the startframe / positioning of the nodes.
atm it has 3 emitter types
a normal emitter like urho3d
real physics emitter with rigidbodys and collisionshapes for smaller effects like falling stones
and a fake physics emitter for larger effects that makes one multithreaded physical single Raycast for each node in the node direction before the creation to search the first contact point. If it reaches it becomes an predefined random change of the direction and the speed.
sounds a bit time consuming but the programming takes me one day.
Here a small video from some particleeffects of my game
(its a stronger than normal and invul char in the video)
for the meteor effect iam using ~80 nodes filled with normal urho3d particleemitters (small effects ;)), with the start-positioning from an vtk pointcloud spheremodel and the fake physics.
for the raining arrows just a staticmodel with normal emitting.
the flamethrower mage uses the standard urho3d particlesystem.